Danielle Paige

A cosmic MASTERCLASS designed to help you understand the ENERGY & THEMES OF 2024...even if you don't know Astrology!


This is the most detailed course I do all year that will map out the collective energy for you and you won't want to miss it!

Welcome dear human you are now entering the year 2024 on your earthly journey.

This will be a year of new unprecedented trajectories, & well...you will have to find out the rest on the call!


For thousands of years, people have looked to the stars to guide them into a deeper understanding of their earthly journey, living in rhythm with nature/the cosmic cycles, and recognizing the vital relationship between the celestial bodies and their physical bodies experiencing life here on Earth.


Astrology is a magical tool when used correctly...let me show you how you are the stars in motion...


...AND how to apply this to your life right now so that you can thrive in 2024!

On the forecast, you will learn:

  • 1 The main themes of 2024
  • 2 Bonus - Information about your DNA & how to navigate your ascension.
  • 3 What the energy of 2024 is bringing for consciousness with our planet
  • 4 The difference between the collective transits vs. your personal ones
  • 5 The eclipses for the year and the collective energy they bring in
  • 6 Mercury & Mars Retrograde dates and the theme for each
  • 7 How we are evolving with and through Astrology
  • 8 How to take care of your cosmic body (part 2 from last year)
  • 9 The "heavy hitter" transits for 2024 and how you can best utilize these energies in your life
  • 10 Plus so much more, magic always comes through when I talk!




  • Instant access to the 2-hour recording channeled through Danielle Paige
  • A PDF of the 2024 presentation
  • A PDF of all the important astrological dates of 2024
  • SECRET DISCOUNT!! Another one-time-only special: When you purchase this bundle you get access to an incredible deal on her popular SOUL LINK class that helps you create your new reality!!

Questions? Contact the support team at [email protected]

*There will be no refunds with this webinar.*

All sales are final so please make sure this is what your heart desires. 

By purchasing this webinar you agree to these terms and conditions. 

By signing up for the 2024 Forecast webinar you agree to the terms and conditions. Danielle Paige is not a medical doctor and is not responsible for any illness or injuries (emotional or physical) that occur on or before the date and times of this webinar. By signing up you also agree that all sales are final.

Hi, I’m
Danielle Paige

 Danielle Paige is an International Consciousness Guide and Soul Astrologer, host of Cosmic Body Podcast and founder of Cosmic Body Collective Membership, Astrology Mystery School Level 1-3 and several other courses.

By fusing astrology, energetic healing, and intuition, she is able to help her clients heal their wounds, clear old patterns, and help them come back home to their heart.

Danielle has given talks on mysticism and astrology at Scorpios Mykonos, Glossier Headquarters in NYC, Soho House, The Assemblage, The Goodfest and has traveled to over 35 countries bringing women together while leading retreats in Hawaii, Costa Rica, as well as 3 retreats on the Greek Islands of Mykonos and Kythnos.

Her work has been featured in Vogue Netherlands (twice!), Goop, Astrology.com, London Standard, Goss Magazine, The Numinous, Thought Catalog, JDate, CBS Radio, and she is now pitching her book to several publishers!

"So much resonated with me and it was like "ding, ding, ding." I think I'm ready to dive more into the chart stuff!"

And Danielle, you're an inspiration. The commitment to your calling and purpose is so present and powerful. You're like fuck this cold, I'm going to show up, no excuses, fully me!


Insane value for the investment!

It was incredible! I just watched the replay and have writers cramp from all the notes! And you pushing through whilst congested. Appreciate you.


"The forecast was so good! Best one yet. Love how you tied it all together!

I greatly appreciate your teachings. One of the best teachers I've had in my lifetime!


"The end was next level. So grateful for your light!"


"The forecast was captivating, digestible, exciting and enriching. I am so excited to listen to the recording – this will definitely be a resource I turn back to frequently throughout the year."

The 2021 Forecast was so incredible expansive. I heard a Mary Magdalene quote that “ascension is actually descension into your heart” this is exactly what Danielle speaks to. Staying rooted in your heart and not allowing external chaos to shake you. It was also SO eye-opening to move through the 2020 astrology to give greater insight into the WHY behind so much last year – it was also incredibly liberating hearing 2020 was the end of a cycle and 2021 is the true beginning of something new. I’m an Astrology Mystery School student of Danielle’s and I’ve been participating in her monthly New Moon Healing Circles and to say she activates the magic within us is an understatement. 

Phoebe Marie

"I refer back to them again and again!"

I've found these Astrology Forecast's so valuable the last 2 years and refer back to them again and again!


"This has been the most amazing journey! The classes are all so juicy."

This has been the most amazing journey! The classes are all so juicy. Danielle Paige, you are a wonderful wonderful teacher! I am so grateful we have the recorded classes to go over again and again. I learned and am learning so so much. The most important thing I learned about myself is that I need community. So when I get the urge to go off the grid and live in the mountains and not have human contact I can know according to my chart this is my shadow and wounded side at play. 


"So I downloaded the 2024 forecast and LOVED it!"

I listened to it twice on a five hour drive and all I could think was LETS FUCKING GO!!! And then I signed up for CBC this morning. I’m so ready to take my life to the next level. And I love that’s it with you as my guide.


"You are saving lives with your fire soul"

 I don't think you understand how much you are saving souls right now. I honestly think you are saving lives with your fire soul. I'm so grateful for your existence. Thanks for being you in all of your existence.


"An example of what’s possible in all areas of life - health, relationships, abundance"

Thank you thank you thank you! For being an example of what’s possible in all areas of life - health, relationships, abundance. For creating beautiful containers full of love, safety, non- judgment, and wisdom. For holding the highest vision and vibration for us to step into. For being so real, so funny, and an example of someone teaching from a true place of love, alignment, and power. I have learned/remembered so much from you over the past few years and feel so grateful to know you.


"I received a new job with more perks than I could ask for. A new place. And a new man that is open and conscious"

I keep thinking I will write a great testimonial one day after I do the classes, moon circles, container, or whatever else it is you are teaching but I could never truly explain the shifts and transformations that happen afterwards. I realize I am calling it in and it is within my field but you help guide and speed up the process so quickly. I am continuing to receive everything I ask for but it hit me tonight after I listened to you story. After the 3 day container I received a new job with more perks than I could ask for. A new place. And a new man that is open and conscious and the potential for something long lasting. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


"I started to truly and deeply know and SEE my soul and the BIGGER picture of my purpose here"

Thank you Danielle for hosting Soul Link and holding our energy in that container. I still feel so much energy moving! It was a strong reminder for me to BE and stay present. I am applying this Presence exercise -as I call it- every day since your training. Thank you for reminding us to accept and appreciate this moment so we can open up to receive even more. I took so many notes. Since I stepped into your world with all the Astrology Mystery School classes, I started to truly and deeply know and SEE my soul and the BIGGER picture of my purpose here… and with each remembering, I felt more and more my own power. Thank you! You are a teacher that I really admire both in your humaneness and in your Highest expression.


"Beautifully presented class, so touching and resonated so deeply"

Danielle, it was a beautifully presented class, so touching and resonated so deeply. I know how much of yourself you put into it. I could feel your joy and passion and love for all of us and humanity. I appreciate having the guidance.


"I finally feel like I’m breaking through the barriers that I’ve been refusing to let come down."

Through Soul Link and Astrology Mystery School Level 1 both of these containers have allowed me to finally see that I am not a victim to my circumstances and that I truly have the power to create a beautiful life. Not just for me but also to show my 3 children what is possible for them too. I have felt so lost over the last few months. I lost my job at the beginning of the year and still have yet to find something new. Financially I have been struggling, but I KNEW I needed both of these courses from you and I found a way. I’m soooo glad I did! I KNOW that there is so much more for me in this life. But I haven’t been able to put my finger on it. And I finally feel like I’m breaking through the barriers that I’ve been refusing to let come down. Thank you for facilitating this breakthrough.