CHANNELED BY Danielle Paige
This is an upgrade to help you integrate your soul with your human so that your miracles can land in the juiciest parts of your heart.
Everyone wants help but so many don’t know where to start...

When you die you have a life review of all the things you did and how you could have changed them etc.
But what about when you’re still alive?
Soul Link is your check in while you're alive on earth so you stop wasting more time, remove doubt and loneliness, take your power back, and learn to use your intuitive gifts!
After 14 years of intensity throughout many awakenings and coming to you at age 44 (meaning I've seen a lot, I've had time here on earth and I'm a Projector so I see the bigger picture) I’ve learned a thing or two...and I'm combining it here to help you create an intentional life.
This container is both esoteric (channeled) AND practical (from my experience & wisdom).
This is NOT an Astrology class as I channel so much more than that one tool.
This container was designed to help you collapse timelines and live a more aligned and purpose driven life in ways I wish I had when I was trying to figure it all out.
This is your sexy sacred sauce to juicy vibrational alignment.
Let me break this down for you...
YOU have a soul contract AND YOU have free will. When you learn to merge the two you can create heaven on earth and like my friend Chervin said…you create your visions of paradise!
This container will help give you clarity about being on earth, open as a channel (yes everyone is but not everyone knows how to access it), FALL SO DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF, tap into your intuition, and draw in more abundance in life - because unlike what you're told money is not hard to make when you're in vibrational alignment.
BUT you must do the work! AND everyone is at different levels of their soul journey.
So many in the 1st round had their lives changed - see the testimonials below!! New job offers, life changes, money, self love, confidence etc!
But this is up to YOU and your consciousness. I cannot change your soul contract but I can be a guide for wherever you are. AND I only want people signing up for this who take radical responsibility for their lives.
I am handing you the keys…when it clicks and you're ready your soul is going to take off!
I am not a savior. I cannot do the work for you. I am a guide and an activator. My field is strong and will help you shift. That is what I do. The rest is up to you!
I am keeping the sales page simple on purpose. It's either a hell yes I want to be in this container to integrate "heaven on earth" and live a better life or its not.
It's simple. It's easy. There is no chaos.
This is your first lesson.
The Container:
This activation is a combination of the keys and understanding as well as frequency that has changed my life, led me to this amazing beach front casa, created community and friends that are my ride or die, aligned me with better health (it's been a rough ride since 2017), and opening the door to my partner (yes it’s a timing thing that my soul wanted later in life).
We will talk about soul vs. self!
This is for you if you're ready to be intentional with your life and understand more about your journey as a soul AND as a human.
Let's let go of feeling lost and staying stuck in that vibration.
If you're ready to take responsibility now and step it up I invite you into this container.
We are going to have fun as well - as always!

The magic of this activation is to help you open your channel and merge your soul plan with the desires of your human self to manifest and create a more aligned and intentional life.

- Sample topics: The 1st pillar
- This module starts to open you up and we go deep!!
- Understanding your I AM Presence
- How to connect to your soul
- Soul plan vs. free will
- Meditation
- And so much more! I truly can't even put into words how powerful this all is!
- Body as a quantum machine
- What do you desire - YOU DECIDE
- The missing link to manifesting
- The secret to the container
- An epic movement mediation that brought it interdimensional beings to help with healing. (You will see) :)
- And so much more!
- The key to your human journey
- How to merge the two
- Harmonics between soul and human
- The secret that blocks integration
- Confidence + strengthening your energy field
- Mediation - Soul Linking
- And so much more!
- *Bonus Module/Review after integration
- Creating money in the 3D to support yourself
- Your embodied self living fully
- Live coaching with someone to show you how to move through blocks
- Q&A
- Tips on the embodied self
- Integration Meditation
- And so much more!
Merging your physical and spiritual realms
Sirius Energy
Creating your reality
Form and formless
- Meditation - Downloading your soul song

*There will be no refunds with this course.*

Finished the 1st module of Soul Link last night. It was exactly what I needed. I was fueled with the strength I needed to be able to make a life decision that would impact my family. The messages were so clear and I heard my soul speak to me, giving me permission to dance through this life happy. Before soul link I would always ask myself,"what would Danielle tell me right now" . I felt like you were talking to me directly in Soul Link. You are magikal, you are life and we are blessed to have you. You are a gift to humanity and I'm grateful for you, you are an inspiration!! Soul Link was mind blowing... thank you.
Danielle, thank you so so much from the depths of my heart for the container you’ve provided. I wanted to share what came through for me after the meditation… I received a download about 2-3 months ago that my soul was Avian..or as I like to say I’m a bird person but I didn’t know much more than that other than my soul is ancient and comes from another universe. And as soon as you said blue avians I felt like I got struck with a lightning bolt of clarity and connection. And I knew that was where my soul came from. After class ended I felt connected to them even more.. I’ve been crying happy tears. It’s such a beautiful remembering for me and my heart feels the size of a planet right now. I’ve sorta suppressed these downloads in the past bc they’ve felt ‘too big’ for my physical life and you’ve helped me fully let my soul in, my TRUTH in bc of the beautiful safe and authentic container you provide and your IG presence, so from the bottom of my gigantic fucking heart THANK YOU
Danielle B
I don't think you understand how much you are saving souls right now. I honestly think you are saving lives with your fire soul. I'm so grateful for your existence. I took the soul link program with you. Did the first one live. Got really knocked out in a good way. Then I took your replay of the second one today. Was a little afraid it wouldn't work that good since it was on replay, but it was potent as hell. I received so much downloads it melted my heart and gave me bigger understanding about relations in life. The reason for them being as they are do to previous lifes. That helped me to release guilt and shame and trust more in my soul being. Can't wait to take the replay and the last one. Now I just have to integrate this one, cus that really shifted a lot in me. Thanks for being you in all of your existence.
It was so wonderful! Moved so much energy with ease… had chills multiple times, heard soul messages clearly bubbling up at times, and feel so much more at peace after. Thank you for holding that space and guiding us through this!
I was in your soul link class last night and it was so lovely. I have taken all of your astrology classes and I signed up not knowing what to really expect last night and I feel so calm and grounded this morning. Looking forward to day 2! You have such a electric and beautiful energy, I’m so happy to have found your work.
Soul Link is quite literally the best thing I have ever invested in!! I’ve only watched module 1 and already the energetic shift is PALPABLE! I’m 4 years into my awakening and the past 6 months especially have been so fucking hard yet for the first time, I finally feel a glimmer of hope and a huge shift in perspective. I’m not a lost cause!! It’s not too late!! (I’m 36 & feel “behind”). Also dealing with Uranus conjunct my ascendant & Pluto conjunct my MC so this could not be more fucking timely!!! Quantum leaps baby!! can’t thank you enough for the work you do!!
Amen sister. Soul link was truly beyond words. I do not have the vocabulary to express the shifts that I felt and how drastic of a change in my consciousness I experienced immediately and even today. Soooo much has cleared. I am seeing so much more clearly. Myself. Like truly. From the bottom of my heart thank you so much for facilitating this MAGIC!
Through Soul Link and Astrology Mystery School Level 1. Both of these containers have allowed me to finally see that I am not a victim to my circumstances and that I truly have the power to create a beautiful life. Not just for me but also to show my 3 children what is possible for them too. I have felt so lost over the last few months. I lost my job at the beginning of the year and still have yet to find something new. Financially I have been struggling, but I KNEW I needed both of these courses from you and I found a way. I’m soooo glad I did! I KNOW that there is so much more for me in this life. But I haven’t been able to put my finger on it. And I finally feel like I’m breaking through the barriers that I’ve been refusing to let come down. My dad used to always tell me “remember who you are”. You ended Soul Link today with that and I started crying because it felt like my dad was with me (he died 7 years ago). The body work on day 2 was my favorite! I became a personal trainer a few years ago, determined to become a fitness coach. Then last year something about it didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel deep enough. Nor authentic to how I want to truly help others.
Day 2 of Soul Link helped me see why.
It’s not just about the body. At least not in the way the fitness space presents it. I wrote out 2 pages of ideas after day 2 of how I can help others see, use and honor their bodies in a way that is so full of love. Thank you for facilitating this breakthrough.
Danielle, it was a beautifully presented class, so touching and resonated so deeply. I know how much of yourself you put into it. I could feel your joy and passion and love for all of us and humanity. I feel it also, I just haven’t quite figured out my place yet.
I appreciate having the guidance. I’ll be there, soon.
I realized I’ve been doing good ever since I started your Soul Link! I’ve done module one and 1/2 of the second module. So far learning to lean in and trust my soul has been life changing. The communication I’m having with all my friends and family has been amazing! My relationship has completely changed for the better! We were on the point of breaking up; then I asked him and I to take ourselves out of the victim mentality and into victory. My goodness!!!!!! We had a 3-hour convo! Brought light into the dark corners of our relationship! It’s crazy all the good that’s coming just from me wanting to show up for myself and take accountability! Everyone around me can see how my energy is just so radiant! Thank you for all you do! I would be lost without you!
Thank you so, so much for the container you created in Soul Link. I can feel greater confidence in myself to trust that which I truly desire and deserve. So special to be a part of the past 3 days. There are many stories that can be created around why I can’t live the life I desire (mainly around not wanting to negatively effect my kids) but these past 3 days has shown me that is exactly why I must do this. To show them that being happy is the biggest gift of all.
Thank you for Soul Link. I was on the fence about purchasing, but I made sure that I wasn’t in a lack mindset about the energy exchange and checked in before going for it! I’m so happy I did, I feel brand new like my heart space was blasted open. I bought a new dream car that I never thought would be possible on Wednesday and felt the abundance. I literally felt that this was the first step in building my beautiful life. I’m so happy and literally haven’t slept but it’s a good energy. Doing the homework also helped make sure the next steps or changes I make will be aligned with my soul. Super happy and your humor is always a plus.
Just wanted to share: I finished day one of soul link today… it was a beautiful validation of what I already knew, intuitively (I suppose we all KNOW, seeing that we’re souls having a human experience, so perhaps I should say it validated what I’ve begun to REMEMBER). That aside, the real share here is: I was able to start writing again on a project I’ve been avoiding for YEARS due to analysis paralysis and fear. And this was just DAY ONE. So, yeah. WOW. Thank you for your work and your fearlessness.
I keep thinking I will write a great testimonial one day after I do the classes, moon circles, container, or whatever else it is you are teaching but I could never truly explain the shifts and transformations that happen afterwards. I realize I am calling it in and it is within my field but you help guide and speed up the process so quickly. I am continuing to receive everything I ask for but it hit me tonight after I listened to you story. After the 3 day container I received a new job with more and perks than I could ask for. A new place. And a new man that is open and conscious and the potential for something long lasting. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
After Soul Link I decided I’m going to Greece for a retreat in September, which before I was not even think it would be possible (money, work, schedule blocks). And this aligned perfectly and it was so easy, nothing / nobody was stopping me, just my own head. Ps. I also been going around saying “I’m happy” which is a new, revolutionary thing to say and hear myself but it’s true!!! I’m happy!!
I got a promotion after soul link!! Just heard back last week!
So I’ve been meaning to send you a message about what I experienced after Soul Link finished. I’ve not been having my cycle hardly at all. I figured I was in peri menopause bc I just turned 48. If I did have my cycle which was like 6+ months ago & sporadic. It’s usually dark brownish & only lasted like a day. Soul Link finished on a Thursday & I started Friday morning! Bright red & lasted 3-4 days. I felt so much movement in my root & sacral chakra area.
Also, that Saturday a friend that I met at one of the Ignite & Expand Retreats posted about a retreat she was doing. I thought I wonder if she would like to offer massage, yoga, & AmpCoil to her people that sign up. I reached out to her & offered. She immediately said yes! I’ll be offering all of this at her retreat in Florida this Sept! Now I’m going to post & offer to others doing retreats!!! Also, once again you’re Moon Circle was unreal! Thank you so much Danielle! You’re truly such a bright light & blessing to this World!
Danielle, Seriously, I feel like I have known you before. And I knew when I found you 5 months ago that it was a soul urge to do “Soul Link”. Well, after the first 3 sessions I have just had a breakthrough that has me crying so uncontrollably. I’m 45. I had a childhood filled with sexual abuse, mother abuse, abandonment and so much shame. Yet here I sit, so grateful for it all. And I mean SO grateful. Look at me! I’m with a divine man, 2 beautiful daughters and yet before today I could not really see how amazing I am at creating because my shame and resentment overwhelmed me.
Soul link, and you my amazing sister of the light have taught me to open my eyes. To feel deeply the pain and know that it won’t hurt me anymore. That I AM SOURCE ENERGY! I’m about yo go through a stressful situation and I was so scared but now I know I am strong! I can do anything and handle anything. Because look at what little 6 year old me was strong enough to live through. I am amazing.
Can I also say that I’ve done the soul link course and my god was it magical. I’ve had so much profound guidance come to me while and since watching those anddddd actually when I bought it I was pushing through fears and knew that I had to believe in abundance instead. It was the most I’ve invested in myself using faith until this point in time. I can’t wait for the live! I’ve learned so much from you and are just drawn to your beautiful soul.
Danielle Paige is an International Soul Astrologer, Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher, host of Cosmic Body Podcast and Founder of Purposely Divine: School For Your Soul and an ACTIVATOR (pssst just even read her posts online and your consciousness changes!) A self-taught astrologer, who’s been reading the stars for lifetimes, she continued her studies with some of the worlds top astrologers. She then devoted herself to learning different types of healing to create her own style of spiritual medicine. By fusing astrology, energetic healing and intuition, she is able to tap into her clients subconscious and help them heal their wounds, old patterns, and come back home to their heart. Danielle has given talks on mysticism and astrology at Glossier Headquarters in NYC, Soho House Malibu, Scorpios Mykonos, Greece, The Assemblage Nomad and has traveled to over 32 countries bringing women together and leading retreats in Hawaii, 2 on the Greek Island of Kythnos as 1 in Mykonos. Her work has been featured in Vogue Netherlands, Goop, London Standard, The Numinous, Thought Catalog, JDate, CBS Radio and more!

I went through all my Soul Link notes today and completed my Passion Planner and Soul Contract exercises. Wow!!! so beautiful and impactful, I felt chills as I wrote it out and committed to myself. I really enjoyed the sessions they were so thoughtfully laid out with insight, wisdom and guidance. I look forward to reconnecting with the group in September!
Yesterday was amazing, thank you for this offering! I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be here and learn. Even just after our first session I already feel more connected to my soul and purpose, this has come at the perfect time.
Before I signed up, I hesitated. Not because of the$$. It was because I immediately received info that it was a ton of growth, & self love I’d do & experience with soul link. I sat on it for a few days working on the courage, & understanding that I am “not a tree”. I am not static. Life would be externally boring if life was static and did not changed. The last 3 days have flown by, in a wonderfully, love filled way. I actually don’t want it to end. I have loved how interactive, connected, seen deeply/personal soul link feels. Danielle has provided a wonderful balance of personal life experiences, along with guidance, intuition & knowledge in a story like manner. Danielle has provided us a container to fully express ourselves, to assist us in taking those next steps in allowing our souls to shine as bright as they are truly. Showing us it is possible to live a life we desire and expand even further into it diving deep. Plus the meditations, releases are the usual. AMAZING
Thank you thank you thank you! For being an example of what’s possible in all areas of life- health, relationships, abundance. For creating beautiful containers full of love, safety, non- judgment, and wisdom. For holding the highest vision and vibration for us to step into. For being so real, so funny, and an example of someone teaching from a true place of love, alignment, and power. I have learned/remembered so much from you over the past few years and feel so grateful to know you.
And Wow was soul link powerful! I’m still integrating all of the shifts and feel like a new person. I’ve been crying, journaling, and channeling nonstop and it’s so beautiful.
I’m now pregnant with my second, due in September, and planning a free birth. I cried my eyes out last night because I realized everything was going to be okay. I’m not halfway through the course and already I feel like it’s helped me so much. I have no idea why this release came on the same night of module 3, but I don’t think the timing was coincidence. Thank you so much for doing this… I just wanted to let you know that your words have helped me gain clarity in a big way
Thank you Danielle for hosting Soul Link and holding our energy in that container. I still feel so much energy moving… it was a strong reminder for me to BE and stay present. I am applying this Presence exercise -as I call it- every day since your training. Thank you for reminding us to accept and appreciate this moment so we can open up to receive even more. I took so many notes. Since I stepped into your world with all the Astrology Mystery School classes, I started to truly and deeply know and SEE my soul and the BIGGER picture of my purpose here… and with each remembering, i felt more and more my own power. Thank you! You are a teacher that I really admire both in your humaneness and in your Highest expression.
100% there! It was beautiful! I so needed the meditation. I feel your love and your strength. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.
Thank you so much! I don’t have the words to express how much this course is reminding me. I felt a strong connection with blue avains. Thank you!
Such an amazing class - really blew me open in the best way. Loved it!!
Something happened in the soul link that kind of shook me up. In a good way. But I don't know what to believe. Or maybe I do. But on the second day in the meditation part. Someone from the other side came into the space, I could not see them, just feel their presence. This person then forgave me and I forgave him. Then I got this channeling (or what I believe is a channeling) that he had killed me in an other life. And he showed me how he killed me. And I felt this big pain where he showed me. Then I cried and died you could say. Afterwards it was just this big love and understanding between us. Is this a channeling? Or am I just making this up with my ego? It felt so real and so clear. It felt really healing and opened up my perspective on humans in ways I can't describe with words.